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防爆标志举例 Explosive mark exemplify
1. 如电气设备为ⅡB类隔爆型T3组,标志为ExdⅡBT3。
2. 如电气设备为Ⅱ类增安型,温度组别为T2组,标志为ExeⅡT2。
3. 如电气设备采用一种以上的复合型式,则先标出主体防爆型式,后标出其它防爆型式,如主体采用增安型内装ⅡC类隔爆部件,温度组别为T4,标志为ExedⅡCT4。如果主要部件采用隔爆型ⅡB类,T4组,其余部件为增安型,则防爆标志为ExdeⅡBT4。
4. DIP A20 TA,T4,DIP表示粉尘防爆,A20表示可使用于20区的A型设备,TA,T4表示设备的温度组别为T4(135℃)。
1. Class ⅡB,group T3 falmeproof explosive electric equipment, mark "ExdⅡBT3".
2. Class Ⅱ,group T2 increasing safety explosive electric equipment, mark "ExeⅡT2".
3. It adopts multiple type, First mark main explosive proof type. Then mark other explosive-proof type.The main body adopt increasing safety and built-in classⅡC isolative explosion parts,temperature T4,mark "EexdⅡCT4",if main part adopts isolative explosive ⅡB T4,other adopt increasing safety, then it marks " ExdeⅡBT4".
4. DIP A20 TA,T4, DIP means dustignition explosion-proof ,A20 means type A explosive-proof equipment and used for Zone 20,TA,T4 means temperature T4 (135℃)
Ari and vapor class according to MESG and MIC
类 别 Item | 最大试验安全(MESG)(mm) | 最小点燃电流比(MIC) Mix igniting current (MIC) |
ⅡA | ≥0.9 | >0.8 |
ⅡB | 0.5<MESG≤0.9 | 0.45≤MICR≤0.8 |
ⅡC | ≤0.5 | <0.45 |
Classification of gas and vapor / permitted apparatus classitication
场场所中气体、蒸气分级 Classification of gas and vap | 允许使用设备级别 | |
A级 | (例如:丙烷、戊烷、苯、汽油、乙醇、乙醛、丙酮、甲胺等) | ⅡA、ⅡB或ⅡC |
B级 | (例如:乙稀、二甲醚、焦炉煤气等) | ⅡB、ⅡC |
C级 | (例如:氢气、乙炔和二硫化碳) | ⅡC |
防腐电工产品标志 Mark of anti-corrosive electrical products
环境条件 Environment conditions | 适用环境类别和标志 Applicable environment group and mark | ||
0类(轻腐蚀环境) | 1类(中等腐蚀环境) | 2类(强腐蚀环境) | |
户内 Indoor | F1 | F2 | |
户外 Outdoor | W | WF1 | WF2 |
引入装置通径对应表 Inlet set diameter list
通 径 Dia | 相对应的管螺纹(G") | 俗称 Name | 允许电缆最大(mm) |
DN15 | 1/2 | 4 分 | Φ7~Φ10 |
DN20 | 3/4 | 6 分 | Φ10~Φ14 |
DN25 | 1 | 1吋 | Φ12~Φ18 |
DN32 | 1 1/4 | 1.2吋 | Φ18~Φ30 |
DN40 | 1 1/2 | 1.5吋 | Φ18~Φ30 |
DN50 | 2 | 2吋 | Φ30~Φ46 |
DN70 | 2 1/2 | 2.5吋 | Φ38~Φ56 |
DN80 | 3 | 3吋 | Φ61~Φ80 |
DN100 | 4 | 4吋 | Φ61~Φ80 |